Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pay It Foward

A couple of months ago I signed up for a PIF.  I really didn't think about it after that.  I pretty much forgot all about till I got an email this morning from Shari at Shari's Sharings 
I am so excited that I was picked !!!  So now is my turn to PIF. Here is what it's all about.

Pay It Forward (PIF)~ verb: "1. to repay the good deeds one has received by doing good things for other unrelated people."
And now it is my turn! Would any of you like to participate in a PIF from me? The rules are very simple. I will send a stitched gift to three people who leave a comment (on this post only) ( It would be really cool if you could post this on your blog also, so more stitchers enter) (also, you must be a follower) requesting to join my PIF challenge. I am just learning how to make ornaments it will most likely be one.  I will also check out your blog and send you a surprise-- I have 365 days to fulfill my end of the bargain. If you are chosen as one of my PIF recipients, then you must offer the same on your blog to keep the kindness going... Please specifically mention in your comment if you wish to be considered for this...If more than three people sign up, I will have a drawing for three names.

1 comment:

  1. This is such as sweet idea! Please enter me! I'll make a mention of it on my blog when I post this week!
